Sunday, January 22, 2012

Get In on Great Offers from Parents Deals

Parents Deals is part of, the online home of Parents and American Baby magazines. helps moms navigate parenthood with expert advice on everything from diapering to discipline.

Parents Deals connects families with hand picked, trusted companies that provide incredible deals on their products and services for the busy family in mind to make life easier — or just more fun. Sign up for deals on their site to have them delivered to your email or follow deals on Twitter.

Check out their most recent deal here: Workout Anywhere with Your Choice of 2 Fitness DVD 4-Packs for $15 ($40 Value)

Updates Here: Child Product Safety and Recalls

Build a Bear Recall
We've added a link from the Consumer Product Safety Commission so that up to date safety and product recall information on  products (including toys) for kids. Check our sidebar, for up to date information.  Links will take you to the CPSC website for more information.

In case you weren't aware the U.S. CPSC is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of injury or death from thousands of types of consumer products. You can find information on over 5,000 product recalls and recall alerts using the various searches on their website at

You can also report products to the CPSC on their website, by phone or mail. The agency staff reviews every report that is submitted. Where appropriate, we may undertake additional product investigations. Reports are accessible by the public at  Get more information here.

Monday, January 9, 2012

An A "Mazin" Free Shower Game

Mazes can be as simple as a game in a child's coloring book, or as complex as an intricate, confusing, never ending network of winding pathways that seems to never end.

Maze puzzles in children's activity books are loads of fun. And you can spend hours going through many mazes trying to find the prize.  So in the spirit of childhood, we put together a puzzle that combines a maze with a baby theme.

The game is the A "Mazin" Baby Race,  and it can be downloaded and printed for free for your next baby shower.  We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed putting it together. 

Download this Free PDF file and print a copy for each guest.  To save paper, you can shrink it down to print two copies on one page if that's easy and possible with your equipment.

Instructions: Play the A "Mazin" Baby Race game by helping the baby find the rattle in the middle of of the maze by tracing through the maze without crossing any lines.  The first  person who "finds" the rattle yells "A Mazin" (or something else designated by the hostess) and wins a prize!

Shower Ideas That are as Cute as a Button

If you're planning a baby shower, you might think of using buttons, to support your theme.  Buttons like the "It's a Girl" button shown here are make the perfect baby shower favor and gift accessory all rolled into one. Buttons are an economical way to provide favors that will be used and appreciated.

You're limited only by your creativity in the numerous ways you can use them for your event.  There are buttons, magnets, and stickers with this design, that can be ordered in quantities of one button for a special gift, or in quantities of 10.

Ideas include giving a button to each guest to wear during the shower to reinforce a girl or boy theme.  If the shower is held after the baby is born, they can be printed with the name of the baby and worn during the event to celebrate the new arrival.

Buttons, t-shirts, magnets, cards and stickers are by far some of the most inexpensive ways to announce the gender of your baby to family and friends.  Buttons and stickers can also be used to add pizazz to gift bags, baskets or boxes. After the shower, buttons can be pinned to stuffed animals, pillows and kept as a keepsake.

Round pins, magnets, and stickers in sizes from one-inch (mini buttons) to 3.5 inches in diameter  and make the perfect favor because they fit any theme or practical need. From supporting a political candidate, ID badges, baby showers, announcements parties, or supporting most any event.
These It's a Girl and It's a Boy designs are available on a number of items and make excellent shower gifts.  Visit us soon and shop for mugs, infant onesies, t-shirts for toddlers and moms and other items,  We would love to hear from you!  Give us your feedback on our designs, and tell us which items you would like to see.